terça-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2010

Os gays querem adoptar?! Não há riscos para as crianças?...

O Inimputável
Junto enviamos um estudo que faz uma revisão da literatura publicada entre (1960 e 2005) com 25 estudos científicos, incluindo um total de 214 344 heterossexuais e 11 971 não heterossexuais (homossexuais e bissexuais) e que comprova que os homossexuais (e bissexuais) apresentam um maior risco comparativamente aos heterossexuais de:

1) Sofrerem de doença mental
2) Terem ideação suicida
3) Abusarem de substâncias (álcool e drogas)
4) Apresenterem comportamentos de auto-mutilação

A comunicação social NÂO passa isto. É, portanto, uma falácia que os homossexuais tenham as mesmas condições para adoptar crianças comparativamente aos heterossexuais.

Há muita gente a passar esta mensagem FALSA na comunicação social.

Não se deixe confundir...

Não há meias verdades.

BMC Psychiatry. 2008 Aug 18;8:70.

A systematic review of mental disorder, suicide, and deliberate self harm in lesbian, gay and bisexual people.

King M, Semlyen J, Tai SS, Killaspy H, Osborn D, Popelyuk D, Nazareth I.

Department of Mental Health Sciences, Royal Free and University College Medical School, Hampstead Campus, University College London, London, NW3 2PF, UK. m.king@medsch.ucl.ac.uk 

BACKGROUND: Lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people may be at higher risk of mental disorders than heterosexual people.
METHOD: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of mental disorder, substance misuse, suicide, suicidal ideation and deliberate self harm in LGB people. We searched Medline, Embase, PsycInfo, Cinahl, the Cochrane Library Database, the Web of Knowledge, the Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts, the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Sociological Abstracts, the Campbell Collaboration and grey literature databases for articles published January 1966 to April 2005. We also used Google and Google Scholar and contacted authors where necessary. We searched all terms related to homosexual, lesbian and bisexual people and all terms related to mental disorders, suicide, and deliberate self harm. We included papers on population based studies which contained concurrent heterosexual comparison groups and valid definition of sexual orientation and mental health outcomes.
RESULTS: Of 13706 papers identified, 476 were initially selected and 28 (25 studies) met inclusion criteria. Only one study met all our four quality criteria and seven met three of these criteria. Data was extracted on 214,344 heterosexual and 11,971 non heterosexual people. Meta-analyses revealed a two fold excess in suicide attempts in lesbian, gay and bisexual people [pooled risk ratio for lifetime risk 2.47 (CI 1.87, 3.28)]. The risk for depression and anxiety disorders (over a period of 12 months or a lifetime) on meta-analyses were at least 1.5 times higher in lesbian, gay and bisexual people (RR range 1.54-2.58) and alcohol and other substance dependence over 12 months was also 1.5 times higher (RR range 1.51-4.00). Results were similar in both sexes but meta analyses revealed that lesbian and bisexual women were particularly at risk of substance dependence (alcohol 12 months: RR 4.00, CI 2.85, 5.61; drug dependence: RR 3.50, CI 1.87, 6.53; any substance use disorder RR 3.42, CI 1.97-5.92), while lifetime prevalence of suicide attempt was especially high in gay and bisexual men (RR 4.28, CI 2.32, 7.88). CONCLUSION: LGB people are at higher risk of mental disorder, suicidal ideation, substance misuse, and deliberate self harm than heterosexual people.

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